Saturday, August 27, 2016

Motivation can be a... difficult mistress...

They say that making to do lists at the beginning of your day gives you tiny goals to achieve.

In my case it never helps, so I end up making finished to do lists at the end of the day, cause it gives me more sense of.. accomplishment? That way i can see what I did manage to do in my day, because my original plans always get derailed.. 

So today I did the above stuff on the list! I m editing two videos at the moment and about to film another one soon!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

My mermaid is coming back soon to teach you some dark spells and incantations..
Here is a little teaser for you...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I m really, really excited (and anxious) that I m activating donations for the channel!!!
I had the help of close friends to manage to do this, and I m deeply grateful that they wanted to help me <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

No one is obliged to ever donate, for those of you that want to, and are able to, thank you a million times! :) It will help me upgrade my equipment and props to make better videos for you <3
If you want to donate to the channel but can't, THANK YOU AS MANY TIMES for the love and support! Because support isn't just giving money...!!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Shifting currents...

Malaynaeh is planning something.. The currents are shifting, and the air has changed. Now that Cthulhu has changed her into a mutated mermaid species, her entire existence is more powerful, and somewhat.. darker.

A letter has arrived... The reply from the human. Good.. She's assembling the necessary items now, for his visit... This human doesn't know her plan. It s for the best.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Rain recording!

Here is the audio of the soft rain last night! The original footage was so so dark so I went with a nice autumn rain loop video instead, that way you can enjoy the footage while listening to the rain! It's a short recording, but I hope it s tingly!

Autumn is coming!

Good afternoon!
Today is one of the coolest days of the entire Summer! Last night it rained for the first time in months, and I managed to record around 7 minutes of rain sounds, with some whispering! I recorded the audio around 5:00-5:30 am, and I m uploading it on the channel sometime today :D
I was about to sleep last night when I heard the rain.. I instantly opened the window and set up my camera (and completely forgot about sleeping). An amazing smell of fresh wet leaves spread in my room! The soft wind was even carrying notes of sea scents, as the sea is only 15 minutes by car from my area. It smelled like Autumn.. and the best part? Today the temperature dropped monumentally and, there's still that soft rain scent all over the neighborhood!
I feel so inspired today!!
I love Autumn more than any other season, and to me, this unexpected rain might be signaling the long awaited END of Summer.

My favourite time of the year is finally here!!!!!!!!

I hope you'll enjoy the rain sounds video once it's on my channel!

The lovely Autumn picture used in this post was found at:

P.S. I just made an enormous cup o'joe to go with the above picture.. I can never look at coffee-related art and resist having a cup. :D :D :D

Friday, August 12, 2016

Good afternoon! Here s some info about my latest ASMR upload!

Today I uploaded a seamstress roleplay, something I've wanted to do for a long time! You see, my mother has been making clothes ever since I was a child, so I ve always been around various sewing things.. Threads, patterns, endless types of fabric, fancy needles, scissors, and the like. I never got into learning when I was younger, but I m trying now.. Never too late to start, right? So.. I wanted to put aaaall these cool "prop" items to good use! The fabric used in this video will indeed become a dress ^_^ I'm also including a very professional screenshot from the.. bloopers XD
I hope you'll enjoy how the actual ASMR video turned out! I m thinking to make a part 2 soon if this is received well :D

P.S. This is my first ever blog post, I m still getting the hang of it ^_^

New bonus face touching video!

No talking, Just gentle hand movements :D

Bonus rubber gloves hand movements video!